Global Research, August 17, 2014
The most recent statements of two police officers in the NSU (National Socialist Underground) trial imply that the intelligence agency employee Andreas Temme may have been involved in the murder of Halit Yozgat. The Constitutional Court of Hesse denies this and has blocked the release of information and hindered witness testimony.
Both police officers, Helmut W. and Jörg T. testified ten days ago at the NSU trial about the ninth of the ten suspected NSU murders. The victim was 21-year-old Halit Yozgat, who was shot on April 6, 2006 in an Internet Café in the Kassel district of Hesse, run by he and his father.
Andreas Temme, the chief undercover agent of the Hessian secret service was most probably in the Internet Café at the time the murder was committed. He attracted the attention of police because, in spite of the call for witnesses, he did not report and was found only through an extensive search. Temme was already suspected at that time of having something to do with the killing. Although Yozgat must have been killed while Temme was present, and he scarcely could have failed to see the body, he denies witnessing the killing.
Klick below to read more:
What´s bullshit?
Nearly everything.
![]() |
Andreas Temme sitting |
Andreas Temme did not work for the BND, but for the LfV Hesse, you might call that „homeland security“, while the BND is for FOREIGN COUNTRYS only… wrong LOGO.
He was a beginner, not a chief undercover agent… he was a postman before…
The main problem is that Andreas Temme hat 6 informants he was meeting every week to get informations, 5 Muslims, and 1 right wing extremist, named „Benjamin Gärtner“ and mentioned in that article on that Commie site where Global research found this article, nearly all is LEFTextremist´s bullshit!
To shorten it: The (nowadays) Prime Minister of Hesse did not allow the police investigators to examine those 6 informants, and the GERMAN media do not write about the No 1 suspicion why that was not allowed:
Because the murdered young Turkish Halit Yozgat probably was on of those 5 muslim informants of Andreas Temme.
The obviously first, closest, nearest, most logical question was never asked since 2006 (when the murder was committed).
Really, I swear, this question was NEVER asked.
It is known that nearby those internet-cafe was an extremistic islamic Mosque, and Temme´s job was to get information about those Mosque people who made calls and wrote mails from Yozgat´s internet cafe nearby.
Maybe Yozgat was shot as a traitor by islamlic fanatics?
There is no proof for the Ceska 83 with silencer found in Zwickau in that „NSU house“ to be the murder weapon at all: No husk was found in Kassel, only 2 husks for the last 7 murders at all!!!
9 cardridges over all, 7 from the first 2 murders 2000 and 2001, and 2 cardridges from the other 7 so called „Kebab murder series“.
The pistol was found in Zwickau on 9th of Nov 2011, came to the labratory of the BKA (FBI of Germany) on 10th of Nov, they gave it to the DNA-division first, it came back on 11th of Nov., and the highest Government prosecutor informed the public that same day!!! in the Morning !!!!, that those pistol was the murder weapon.
11.11.2011, not sure if it was at 11.11 AM 😉
But it was that Friday morning, WITHOUT ANY PROOF.
9 husks over all, 7 from the first 2 murders 2000 and 2001, and 2 husks from the other 7 so called „Kebab murder series“.
Nicht husks – „cardridge“. Dann passt es.
Schönen Gruß
dann machen wir das so.
Dear Fatalist,
Jack Ruby mal wieder, aus Dallas, Tx.
Etwas zu den im obigen englischsprachigen Beitrag verwendeten „termini technici“. Damit es englischsprachige Leser verstehen.
Leere/abgefeuerte Patronen-Hülsen heissen „shell(s)“, manchmal bei Amis auch „empties“ (Pl.). Aber „shell(s)“ versteht jeder.
Und volle/geladene/noch nicht abgefeuerte Patronen heißen „cartridge(s)“.
Ergänzend, Geschosse heissen „bullet(s)“, historische Rund-Kugeln auch „ball(s)“, und Flintenlaufgeschosse sind „slug(s)“.
Vielen Dank für deine unermüdliche Arbeit, Dank auch an die whistle-blower und halte(t) die Ohren steif!
Jack Ruby,
Dallas, Tx.
The cases in that image are blanks they never had a bullet in them. I guess you picked a stock image?
This is what that type of blank looks like before firing.